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Full management of the app market, Overview of all card & cash transactions and Invoice overview of installed apps
The updated My EMS. For customers who joined EMS after 2022 and customers with a Clover. Manage all your transactions in one clear dashboard, download VAT invoices and more!
Manage all your transactions in one clear dashboard. For customers who joined EMS before 2022 or have not yet migrated to the new portal.
With LoyLap, you get access to various applications on the Clover payment terminal that allow you to easily reward loyal customers. Give regular customers discounts, gift cards or start your own savings programme. Read on this page what you can do with LoyLap
Digital and physical gift cards for your customers. Scan the QR code of the gift card with your Clover terminal at checkout and LoyLap settles everything automatically.
Digital stamp cards for discounts, special offers or a gift when it's your customer's birthday, it's all possible. Manage all your customers in LoyLap and make sure new customers find your business.
Let customers order online from home and pay via LoyLap to pick it up or ship it later. Also accept gift cards and savings programmes online.
Every company has different needs and on that, LoyLap comes in different forms. Check out what suits you best below. You close a subscription directly via LoyLap.
LoyLap gives you 30 days free to try it out. This way, you can discover which apps and functionalities are right for your business. You simply install the LoyLap app on your Clover.
Do you still have questions about LoyLap and want to know how you can use this app to grow your business? Or do you already have LoyLap and have questions about the possibilities? Then contact our sales staff for advice.